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SmartClub Members – Enrol online to receive a 30% Premium Discount

Special Privilege for Online Enrolment
Decathlon e-Gift Card
120 Days Plan or Annual Plan: HK$50 e-Gift Card
Click here for terms and conditions.

SmartClub members can earn 1 SmartPoints for every HK$1 net premium
1,000 points = HK$50 reward or Asia Miles 200

Become SmartClub Member
Comprehensive protection for land and water sports, be it for leisure or competition.

Watch the video to learn more!

(February 2021)
Comprehensive protection for land and water sports, be it for leisure or competition. Watch the video to learn more!
(February 2021)

Plan Features

  • More than 30 types of Covered Sports1, including various types of ball games, track & field, all types of yoga, dancing and fitness as well as the competitions2 of Covered Sports held on sports day
  • 3 plan levels of your choice – you can choose the plan which best suits your needs, such as the nature of sports, coverage area, benefit limit as well as the period of insurance, etc.
  • Enrol in Annual Plan to enjoy coverage extended to competitions of Covered Sports held outside Hong Kong
  • Comprehensive coverage including Sports Injury, Accidental Medical Expenses, Personal Liability, Damage of Personal Sports Equipment and injury or illness that happens during participation in sports activities, such as Exertional Heat Stroke, Cardiac Arrest, as well as coverage on Sudden Death due to Congenital Heart Defect
  • Sports Injury Benefit up to HK$500,000
  • Personal Liability coverage up to HK$2,000,000 (applicable to Annual Plan)
  • Up to 15% No Claim Discount upon renewal of the policy (applicable to Annual Plan)
1. Please refer to the Table of Covered Sports for details.
2. Competition shall mean any Covered Sports activity that:
a) is open to the general public, or is organised or sponsored by schools, commercial organisations or non-profit-making organisations registered with the local government;
b) has designated routes or area of competition;
c) wholly takes place within the borders of the designated regions
d) wholly takes place up to an altitude of two thousand meters (2,000m); and
e) has paramedic services available on site
1. The above information is for reference only. Please refer to policy for the exact terms and conditions and the full list of policy exclusions.
2. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of the above information, the English version shall apply and prevail.
3. The above product(s) is/are offered for sale in Hong Kong only and is/are underwritten by Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited, an authorised insurer in Hong Kong.
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