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Hospital List
Useful links
Hospital List
A list of contact information on private hospitals in Hong Kong.
CUHK Medical Centre
3946 6888

Canossa Hospital (Caritas)
2522 2181

Evangel Hospital
2711 5221

Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital
3153 9000

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital - Tsuen Wan
2276 7676

Hong Kong Baptist Hospital
2339 8888

Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital
2572 0211

Matilda International Hospital
2849 0111

Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas)
3971 9900

St. Paul's Hospital
2890 6008

St. Teresa's Hospital
2200 3434

Union Hospital
2608 3388

Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
2689 2000

Bradbury Hospice
2636 0163

Caritas Medical Centre
3408 7911

Castle Peak Hospital
2456 7111

Cheshire Home, Chung Hom Kok
2813 9823

Cheshire Home, Shatin
2636 7288

Grantham Hospital
2518 2111

Haven of Hope Hospital
2703 8000

HK Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service
2710 1234

Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital
2339 6111

Hong Kong Eye Hospital
2762 3007

Kowloon Hospital
3129 7111

Kwai Chung Hospital
2990 3000

Kwong Wah Hospital
2332 2311

MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre
2817 0018

North District Hospital
2683 8888

North Lantau Hospital
3467 7000

Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
2320 2121

Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
2595 6111

Pok Oi Hospital
2486 8000

Prince of Wales Hospital
2632 2211

Princess Margaret Hospital
2990 1111

Queen Elizabeth Hospital
2958 8888

Queen Mary Hospital
2855 3838

Ruttonjee Hospital
2291 2000

Shatin Hospital
2636 7500

Siu Lam Hospital
3127 0222

St. John Hospital
2981 9441

Tai Po Hospital
2607 6333

Tang Shiu Kin Hospital
2291 2000

Tin Shui Wai Hospital
3513 5000

Tsan Yuk Hospital
2589 2100

Tseung Kwan O Hospital
2208 0111

Tuen Mun Hospital
2468 5111

Tung Wah Eastern Hospital
2162 6888

Tung Wah Hospital
2589 8111

TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital
2320 0377

United Christian Hospital
3513 4000

Wong Chuk Hang Hospital
2873 7222

Yan Chai Hospital
2417 8383

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