Our Plans
3 key critical illnesses: Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke
7 other critical illnesses
Plan Highlights
Take an extra step for your employees' health. Blue Cross Employee Critical Illness Care Plan supports employees diagnosed with critical illnesses, helping them focus on recovery.
The plan also offers different sum insured options to fit your business needs.
3 Plan Level Options
Cover up to 53 critical illnesses, including 3 key critical illnesses (i.e. cancer, heart attack and stroke), plus 50 others

100% Payout for Covered Critical Illnesses
As 100% of sum insured will be paid at one go upon diagnosis of an insured critical illness or performance of an insured surgery, your employees can utilise this benefit to shoulder their financial burden of medical bills, living expenses and more

Easy Enrolment
Suitable for companies with minimum 10 full-time employees

Flexible for Business Needs
4 sum insured options, up to HK$500,000
Up to 4 employee classes for employers to assign different sums insured to each class, and to decide the type of employees for each class

Plan Summary
Product TypeLump sum payment
Period of Cover1 year
Enrolment AgeAge 16 - 64
EligibilityApplicable to companies with a minimum of 10 full-time employees2
Sum InsuredHK$500,000/ HK$300,000/ HK$200,000/ HK$100,000
The insured employee will receive a lump sum of 100% of sum insured upon diagnosis of an insured critical illness or performance of an insured surgery3 -
Cover AreaWorldwide
Waiting Period45 days
Survival Period of Insured Critical Illness14 days
Policy RenewalAnnual renewal up to age 69 of the insured employee
Premium Payment ModeAnnual

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Carcinoma in Situ does not meet the definition of a Cancer under this plan. For the purpose of “Cancer” definition, shall means
(a) any malignant tumour positively diagnosed with histological confirmation and characterised by the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells and invasion of tissue; or
(b) any occurrence of histologically confirmed leukemia, lymphoma or sarcoma.
Irrespective of the above, for the purpose of the definition of “Critical Illness”, Cancer does not include any of the following:
i) any cancer which is histologically classified as pre-malignant, non-invasive, or carcinoma in situ, or as having either borderline malignancy or low malignant potential;
ii) any tumour of the thyroid histologically classified as T1N0M0 or a lower stage according to the TNM classification system;
iii) any tumour of the prostate histologically classified as T1a or T1b or T1c or a lower stage according to the TNM classification system;
iv) chronic lymphocytic leukemia classified as less than RAI Stage III;
v) any cancer where HIV Infection is also present; and
vi) any skin cancer, other than malignant melanoma.
Please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions for the definition of covered critical illnesses.
As Angioplasty is an early-stage critical illness, this plan does not provide critical illness coverage for such illness.
For the purpose of “Coronary Artery Surgery” definition, shall means the undergoing of open-chest surgery to correct narrowing or blockage of one (1) or more coronary arteries with by-pass grafts in persons with limiting anginal symptoms but excluding non-surgical techniques such as angioplasty and all other intra-arterial, catheter-based techniques, keyhole or laser procedures.
Please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions for the definition of covered critical illnesses.
If the insured employee has a “Pre-existing Conditions” which has been diagnosed or recurred critical illness prior to (i) the Insured Effective Date or (ii) the Plan Level Effective Date, whichever is later, and in accordance with the definition of “Pre-existing Conditions” and the other terms and conditions of the Policy, critical illness benefit shall not be payable in respect of such critical illness. However, the critical illness benefit will be paid for the covered critical illness if the insured employee suffers from a covered illness that occurs after (i) the Insured Effective Date or (ii) the Plan Level Effective Date, whichever is later.
Example: An employer enrols Plan A in a policy under the Blue Cross Employee Critical Illness Care Plan
If employee A is diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis prior to the Insured Effective Date, it is considered as a “pre-existing conditions” and not payable. After the Plan Level Effective Date, employee A is diagnosed with a heart attack, and if it is determined that the heart attack is not due to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis after assessment, the heart attack is considered to be a new critical illness and such critical illness is covered under the policy, Blue Cross will provide a Critical Illness Benefit in lump sum payment to employee A.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for the definition of pre-existing conditions and covered critical illnesses.
- Corporate entity with Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate; and
- Corporate entity with 10 or more full-time employees
Insured includes
- Full-time and permanent employees who are in Active Service^; and
- Issue age is age 16 to 64 years old*, maximum coverage age is age 69*
For the company with number of full-time insured employee below 50 on the first day of each policy year, declaration of health is required if the insured employee* who apply for a sum insured of HK$500,000. Please refer to the below table for the detailed underwriting arrangement:
Number of Insured Employees on the first day of Each Policy Year | Sum Insured (HK$) | |||
100,000 | 200,000 | 300,000 | 500,000 | |
10-49 | GIL | DOH | ||
50 or above | GIL |
“GIL” shall mean guaranteed issue limit; “DOH” shall mean declaration of health
*For employees with a sum insured of HK$500,000 who have made a health declaration at policy application, health declaration is no longer required in subsequent policy years.
Note: annual declaration of health is required for the Insured aged 65-69 upon renewal.
Both episodes of the heart attack will not be covered.
➢ For the 1st episode, the employee is covered under Plan C which covers cancer only, and critical illness benefit shall not be payable
➢ For the 2nd episode, the employee was diagnosed with heart attack prior to the effective date of the new plan level (plan A), it is considered a pre-existing conditions and critical illness benefit shall not be payable.
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- Calculated based on the premium of a 35-39 year old male, non-Blue Cross group medical insurance member, with HK$100,000 sum insured, for Plans A/B/C respectively.
- The policy will be issued on a named basis.
- Subject to the scope of the plan level selected for the policy, an insured surgery refers to coronary artery surgery, heart valve replacement and repair, major organ transplant, surgery to aorta, or angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease.
- The above information is for reference only. Please refer to policy for the exact terms and conditions and the full list of policy exclusions.
- Should there be any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of the above information, the English version shall apply and prevail.
- The above product(s) is/are offered for sale in Hong Kong only and is/are underwritten by Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited, an authorised insurer in Hong Kong.