
Individual Medical Insurance - Quote

Tell me about yourself

I am a years old
I am looking for
My preferable level of accommodation in Hospital is
My monthly premium budget is (HK$)
1. Only selected individual medical insurance product(s) will be displayed. For other products, please select ‘Product’ in the top menu bar for details.
2. If you have already held an indemnity medical insurance product, you can consider getting an additional indemnity medical insurance product with a deductible as a top-up protection plan to increase the insurance coverage on top of your existing base policy.
- CareForYou for VHIS: Age refers to insured person’s attained age.
- Other Individual Medical Insurance Plans: Age refers to insured person’s nearest birthday. If the insured person’s next birthday falls within the coming 6 months from the enrolment date, the premium rate will be charged according to your next age attained. Otherwise, it will be charged based on the current age.
Policy effective date will be used to determine the age attained if it is different from the enrolment date.
4. The above information is for reference only. Please refer to policy for the exact terms and conditions and the full list of policy exclusions. For more information or a copy of the policy terms and conditions, please click here or contact our Customer Service Department on 2839 6333/by email cs@bluecross.com.hk for enquiry.
5. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of the above information, the English version shall apply and prevail.
6. The above product(s) is/are offered for sale in Hong Kong only and is/are underwritten by Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited, an authorised insurer in Hong Kong.
7. Click here for Premium Payment Exchange Rate